
I’m Alex.

Professionally, I am interested in building scalable distributed systems (aka cloud services) preferably within a data analytics context, as well as applying machine learning techniques to discover insights from all kinds and form factors of data sets. A small selection of past projects can be found on the projects page.

If you want more information, feel free to contact me at contact at alexandereckert.com (PGP).

Note: The tag cloud is generated on the fly, not all tags will be rendered (especially very large and small ones). Tags are larger if I’ve spent more time on the topic and when I’ve been active on the topic more recently. Last updated on 30.12.2017.

Historically, I started coding by creating webpages around the age of 13. Languages in order learned (to different degrees): QBASIC, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL, Delphi/Pascal, Java 6, R, bash, C++, Python, Scala, JavaScript/ES2015, Golang.